Squeaky Beetroot Productions LogoGraphic Design


There are many ways to communicate your message; it could be an advert in the local paper, a leaflet drop, postcards through letterboxes, a personalised mailshot, banners, display boards or a simple handout.

The key is to match your message to your audience, then choose which communication method is going to be the most cost effective.

Squeaky Beetroot is here to help you, and can call on more than 20 years of experience gained working in and with the media, graphic design and print mediums.

We can freshen up stale-looking corporate logos, suggest branding designs based on your brief, develop an advertising strategy and come up with a design which reflects your organisation.

Or it may be you simply want a postcard designed promoting a social event, or a booklet, corporate document or quarterly magazine laying out professionally and printed.

If you’ve already got an idea or the imagery for a project lined up, we’re happy to work with you and simply support you if that’s all you require.

If you want to start from scratch, get in touch with your ideas and give us the chance to add some Squeaky Beetroot sparkle to your next project.

It’s important to note that full-colour printing is not always necessary.

If you’re in a cost-conscious organisation, Squeaky Beetroot can work on the clever use of just a single, or sometimes just two colours, which can cut costs but often look more effective.


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Encounter Leaflet

Beer Mat Designing