Squeaky Beetroot Productions Logo

On Hold Music



Piano Keys SBP


It’s a sad fact of life, but during phone calls we always seem to get put on hold more times than we’d like.

Silence may be golden, but not if you’re wondering if you’re still connected.

Beeps, bleeps and the inevitable Greensleeves may convince you you’re still on the right line, but what does it say about the organisation you’re trying to speak to?

A short on-hold message can reassure customers, advertise services, fingerpoint them to your website, announce changes…the list goes on.

All you need is a telephone system which has the capability of playing back on-hold messages. These can either be via a CD player, or, more increasingly, via a computer or the actual telephone system itself.

Squeaky Beetroot Productions runs a fully equipped studio to create short 30-second pieces of music which can accompany your chosen message.

Because the music is composed and recorded by Squeaky Beetroot’s resident musicians, there’s no copying or broadcast license to pay.

It’s cheaper than you think and can boost your credibility and professionalism to your telephone customers.

To listen to messages Squeaky Beetroot has produced, click the icons below

Courtyard Christmas (4.77MB, WAV)
Courtyard S.O.M (4.27MB, WAV)
Ross Festival (5.49MB, WAV)
Voting (6.12MB, WAV)
Record Office (4.34MB, WAV)


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Kids on phone

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Piano Keys