Squeaky Beetroot Productions Logo


An eye for detail and the unusual.

Photography is a key element in a large amount
of communication material produced by Squeaky

These can be used full colour or images converted to
black and white for a newsy feel.

Images can be used as a back drop or as a drop-in
to illustrate a point.

The full image can be used or images can be given
a tight crop for a modern, contemporary feel.

An image can be used in a variety of ways; it can
lead the eye into the text; it can be dropped in to
punctuate a block of text indicating a full stop.

The right image on the front page of a magazine,
newspaper or leaflet can increase interest hugely.

Do you want your leaflet or brochure to stand out
from the crowd?

Squeaky Beetroot has access to the latest digital
cameras and equipment. It also has access to a
number of stock photo libraries (and also sells
photographs in this way).

Whether you need an image to include in a
publication we are producing for you, a
photograph of a product for a leaflet, or whether
you need an image for your website, a PowerPoint
presentation or a corporate report or document
being produced by your own in-house team,
contact Squeaky Beetroot for a cost effective
photographic commission


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Bridge Photograph
Paragliders Photo
Malvern Hills Picture
Cathedral Picture
Water Drops Picture
  Mixer Picture