Squeaky Beetroot Productions Logo

Who We Are

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

What does your logo say about your company?
Does it look friendly, aggressive, dated, progressive, traditional, modern, welcoming, serious or full of fun?

What does the quality and style of the publicity
material you produce say to potential customers,
clients and those you wish to influence? Is your organisation extrovert, reclusive, inclusive or exclusive, extravagant, reserved, tired and boring or enthusiastic and contemporary?

When your customers get put on hold, are they
left wondering whether they’re still connected? Are they forced to listen to a loop of distorted classical music while they wait to get transferred, or do they get a message of reassurance that their call is being handled efficiently and that it will be worth the wait?

Squeaky Beetroot Productions has many years
of communication, media and Public Relations
experience in the private, public and voluntary

Whether you’re looking for a new corporate logo,
a fresh face to your tired staff magazine, drinks
mats to tell your story or simply handouts to
promote a new product or event, Squeaky Beetroot has the experience to make things happen - and the chances are it will be a lot cheaper than you expect.

If you want to find out more, please get in touch
at: info@squeakybeetroot.co.uk


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